Blog entry #1: where do we begin?

So you are about to finish high school, stressing about the final exams, stressing about where to continue your studies. Everybody is talking about universities, your highschool sweetheart is going to a prestigious university in the UK, you are considering that too… but you don’t really like the weather. What to study though?


Everyone (almost) seems to have that figured out and you feel like on the edge of a cliff, because you are not quite sure about your life. Should I study medicine? Should I follow my parents path as lawyers? Should I go for a general business degree? So many questions, yet not many answers in sight. 


We know how it feels, we have been there, we were students a couple of years ago and had the same struggles, but maybe not the same resources you have today. But is that even helpful? There are so many sources out there, so many options to choose from, opinions etc. - all that, makes decision making even harder than if you had only 2-3 options. 


So here we are with  some tips from our side: 


Don’t panic! You are not the first, nor the last in this situation. It might feel like that, but not everyone has everything figured out. It is normal to struggle, to question everything, to feel confused - you are at an age where you discover yourself, and the world.


Don’t worry! Choosing the right university is not the biggest life decision you will have to face. It is just the beginning of your journey and it will guide your future, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a life or death decision! You don’t have to have it all figured out and your whole life planned out. Take it step by step, enjoy the journey that is your life and don’t overthink! 


You might wanna start on time! Last minute might be tempting, but it will add to the chaos and unnecessary stress. Start looking for different study options quite ahead of time and we guarantee you this will make your life easier! Finding the right university and program might take time and effort and you don’t want your decision to be influenced by the fact that you are in a hurry. Not only that, but also collecting all the tons of documents that universities require can be a daunting process. You want to make sure that you are not missing any critical info. 


It is okay to ask for support! Not only that your mind is occupied with exams, parties, girlfriend or boyfriends 😆 making the right decision which might determine your future, etc. etc. and on top of everything they ask you to keep track of deadlines and requirements?! No, this doesn’t have to be the case. You focus on your academic success and enjoying one of the best times of your life and let us support you and make this process #stressfree.


In a nutshell, applying to universities doesn’t have to be a stressful and scary process! Actually, it can be quite interesting and exciting! We are at the light at the end of the tunnel and help you overcome any struggles to find the right place and right university for you! So if you want to make applying less stressful and more like setting the foundation for your bright future, come to us and let’s discover the best of U and start writing your story together.