for students
I am a student

You are a vast place that you will be exploring for a lifetime.
U are the 15 minute snapshot of that place that we must show Universities.
You change shape and discover new dimensions of yourself constantly.
U are a collection of the greatest hits from your discoveries till now.
U are also the universities that best fit the growth of You.
So, let’s find the best from all sides of U together.

see our plans
the freshman
the foundational pack to get our collaboration
on the best of U going.

this pack dedicates a solid portion of our attention to your candidacy. we suggest 3 paths for higher education that fit your profile and make sure to assist, keep track and support you throughout the preparation of your application materials — applicant profiles, recommendations, essays, motivational letters. We will be there for you right ‘till the moment when we click that submit button together.

the sophomore
skip a grade with our second pack and get the freshman +
see more
  • 3 more tailored university path propositions
  • Organized campus visit
  • Legal translations of your documentation
  • Mock interviews and prep
  • Personality assessments to discover the best of u
  • Career orientation
  • Workshops on presentation skills
  • Membership at our best.u alumni group
  • Estimations of living costs per location
  • Help finding the right accommodation
the senior
extend our support beyond your application with the pack
that gets you the sophomore +
see more
  • 10 total tailored university path propositions
  • One or more organized campus visits
  • Standardized testing support
    (SAT, ACT, GMAT, etc.)
  • English certificate support
  • Offer selection aid
  • Mentoring and support throughout studentship
  • Internship prep
  • Pre-arrival assistance
    (flights, hotels, etc.)
  • Intercultural communication course